Housing rental

How Remote Work Is Shaping the Future of Rental Markets in Suburban Areas

Tirios Team

July 18, 2023
How Remote Work Is Shaping the Future of Rental Markets in Suburban Areas

Table of Contents

  • The Shift from Urban to Suburban Living
  • Examples of suburban areas experiencing growth
  • Benefits of Investing in Suburban Rental Properties
  • Challenges Faced by Investors and Property Owners
  • The Role of Tirios in the Suburban Rental Market
  • Future Outlook: Remote Work and Suburban Rental Markets
  • Takeaways

Remote work has experienced a significant increase in recent years, particularly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As more companies embrace this flexible work model, the traditional office environment is becoming less vital for many employees. This change has far-reaching implications, including the impact on rental markets and suburban areas.

As a result of the rise in remote work, there has been a noticeable shift in rental market trends. Many people are now opting for suburban living, seeking larger spaces and a better work-life balance. This trend has created both opportunities and challenges for investors and property owners, making it essential to understand the evolving landscape of the rental market.

The Shift from Urban to Suburban Living

Suburban neighborhood

Reasons behind the shift

Several factors contribute to the increasing popularity of suburban living among remote workers. The lower cost of living is a significant factor, as it allows individuals to achieve a higher quality of life without breaking the bank. Suburban areas generally offer more affordable housing options and lower living expenses compared to their urban counterparts.

Space is another key consideration. Remote workers often require home offices, and suburban properties typically provide more space and amenities, such as gardens and larger living areas. This extra space enables remote employees to create a comfortable working environment without sacrificing their personal living spaces.

Lastly, a better work-life balance is a primary driver for the shift towards suburban living. With less time spent commuting and more time at home, individuals can prioritize their personal well-being and achieve a healthier balance between work and personal life.

Examples of suburban areas experiencing growth

The rise in remote work has led to an increase in demand for suburban rentals across the country. Examples of suburban areas experiencing growth include cities like Austin, Texas; Charlotte, North Carolina; and Denver, Colorado. These areas have seen an influx of remote workers attracted by the lower cost of living, increased space, and improved work-life balance.

Benefits of Investing in Suburban Rental Properties

Suburban rental property

Increased demand for suburban rentals

As more people opt for suburban living due to remote work, the demand for suburban rental properties has significantly increased. This trend presents an opportunity for investors to capitalize on the growing demand and generate a steady stream of rental income.

Lower investment costs compared to urban properties

Suburban properties generally have lower purchase prices and investment costs compared to urban properties. This lower entry point allows investors to diversify their portfolios and allocate their resources more effectively, potentially leading to higher overall returns.

Potential for higher returns and long-term growth

Investing in suburban rental properties offers the potential for higher returns and long-term growth. As suburban areas continue to develop and attract more remote workers, property values are likely to increase, providing investors with a valuable opportunity for capital appreciation. Furthermore, the relatively lower investment costs and growing rental demand can result in favorable cash flow and return on investment.

Challenges Faced by Investors and Property Owners

Property owner challenges

Navigating suburban rental regulations

Investing in suburban rental properties comes with its own set of challenges, including navigating rental regulations. Suburban areas often have different regulations compared to urban areas, and investors must be familiar with these rules to avoid potential legal issues. Staying informed about local zoning laws, licensing requirements, and tenant rights is crucial for successful property management.

Adapting properties for remote work

To attract and retain tenants in the growing remote work market, property owners must ensure their properties are well-suited for remote work. This may include creating dedicated workspaces, upgrading internet connectivity, and soundproofing rooms for increased privacy. Adapting properties to cater to remote workers' needs can require additional investments but ultimately increases the property's value and marketability.

Ensuring consistent rental income

Maintaining consistent rental income is a challenge for any investor, but it can be especially difficult in suburban areas where rental demand may fluctuate. To ensure consistent income, property owners should focus on keeping their properties well-maintained, updating amenities, and offering competitive rental rates. Additionally, working with professional property management companies can help secure reliable tenants and minimize vacancy periods.

The Role of Tirios in the Suburban Rental Market

Tirios platform

Providing fully managed rental properties

Tirios plays a significant role in the suburban rental market by offering fully managed rental properties. This comprehensive management approach alleviates many of the challenges faced by investors and property owners, such as navigating rental regulations and ensuring consistent rental income. With Tirios, investors can focus on growing their portfolios while benefiting from professional property management services.

Offering low investment minimums

Tirios makes real estate investing more accessible by offering low investment minimums. This feature enables investors with varying budgets to enter the suburban rental market and diversify their portfolios. By lowering the barriers to entry, Tirios encourages more people to explore the benefits of real estate investing in suburban areas.

Future Outlook: Remote Work and Suburban Rental Markets

Long-term trends in remote work and suburban living

Remote work is expected to remain a prevalent work model in the years to come, with many companies adopting hybrid or fully remote policies. This trend will likely continue to fuel the demand for suburban living, creating long-term opportunities for rental property investors. As more people embrace the benefits of suburban life, we can expect to see ongoing development and growth in these areas.

Opportunities for real estate investors

The rise in remote work and the shift towards suburban living present numerous opportunities for real estate investors. By investing in suburban rental properties, investors can capitalize on the growing demand and enjoy the potential for higher returns and long-term growth. Moreover, with platforms like Tirios, investors can access professionally managed properties and benefit from secure, low-minimum investment opportunities.

How Tirios can help investors capitalize on these trends

Tirios is well-positioned to help investors navigate the suburban rental market and capitalize on the trends driven by remote work. By offering fully managed rental properties, and low investment minimums, Tirios provides investors with the tools and resources needed to succeed in this evolving market. As the landscape continues to shift, Tirios remains committed to supporting investors in their quest for success in the suburban rental market.


The rise of remote work has had a significant impact on suburban rental markets. This shift has created both opportunities and challenges for investors and property owners. As more people embrace the benefits of suburban living, the demand for rental properties in these areas continues to grow, presenting lucrative investment opportunities.

As you consider investing in suburban real estate, remember that Tirios is here to help. With our fully managed rental properties, and low investment minimums, we make it easier for you to capitalize on the growing suburban rental market. Take the next step towards diversifying your investment portfolio and explore the advantages of investing in suburban real estate through Tirios.


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