Real Estate Investing

How To Start Investing In Real Estate?

Tirios Team

January 18, 2023

Table of Contents

I. Introduction and Importance of Real Estate Investment

II. Investment Strategies for Beginners

III. Tips for Beginner Real Estate Investors

- Research and Analyze the Market

- Consider Location

- Create a Realistic Budget

- Find a Reliable Real Estate Agent

- Understand the Risks Involved

IV. Conclusion

- Recap of Investment Strategies

- Encouragement to Start Investing in Real Estate

- Final Thoughts

It is beautifully said that ‘don’t wait to buy real estate; buy real estate and wait.’ Before getting started, the first question that would come into your mind is what you should look for in your first real estate investment property. The answer to the critical question is a high capitalization rate and cash-on-cash return. The best type of property investment for beginners will be the one that will offer a great return on investment and a decent amount of flexibility when you own real estate. 

Investors are considering adding real estate to their investment portfolios, as it is an innovative and straightforward way to invest; for Americans, real estate investments are their favorite long-term investments, according to a Bankrate survey held in 2022. 

Some real estate investment examples include flipping properties, renting them out, owning Real Estate Investment Trusts shares, online real estate platforms, etc. Let's delve deeper to get a deep understanding of real estate investing for beginners.

How to make money in real estate for beginners?

Anyone can invest in real estate if they are willing to put in the hard hours and efforts. By real estate investing, you can make a lot of money and be your own boss. 

Below are some investment strategies considered the best ways to make money for beginners.

1. Invest in Real Estate Investment Trusts

One of the many benefits of investing in real estate is that there are ways to make money without owning an investment property. You can make money by investing in a real estate investment trust without property ownership, which is similar to investing in stocks.

A REIT pools money from investors to invest it in several income-producing real estate properties like large apartment buildings, retail space, commercial real estate, hotels, etc. You can invest in real estate as a shareholder, and in return, Real Estate Investment Trust pays you dividends, and you can also sell your shares at a higher price than you paid. 


Advantages of a REIT:

  • Greater Liquidity
  • Professional Management 
  • Less Risk than Other Real Estate Investments
  • Diversification

2. Rental properties

When renting the property, you become the landlord and you can make money by collecting the rent. Also, investing in rental property for beginners is a practical approach, as when the property's value appreciates, you can sell it at a profit. During the COVID-19 pandemic, median real estate prices in the U.S. rose.

 Some advantages of Rental Properties include the following:

  • Earn Passive Income
  • Can Appreciate In Value
  • Hedge Against Inflation
  • Tax Benefits


3. Manage Real Estate Properties

To make real estate money, beginners can start their own property management business. There is a high demand for property management companies. Some investors who face difficulty managing multiple properties are ready to pay a reasonable amount to a property manager to do the job. 

4. House Hacking

House hacking is one of the ways to start investing in prime real estate from which you can generate rental income from your home. House Hacking is a method through which you can turn your house into a rental property by renting out spare rooms or floors. 

5. Use an online real estate investing platform

Now, you can invest in real estate online with many online real estate investment platforms that connect real estate developers to investors who want to finance projects through debt or equity. Investors receive monthly or quarterly distributions in exchange for taking on significant risks and paying a fee to the platform.

6. Consider flipping investment properties.

Flippers buy properties to hold them for a short period and then quickly sell them for a profit.

The are two approaches to flipping a property:

  • Repair and update:

In this flipping approach, you buy a property that will increase in value with specific repairs and updates; then, you make the required changes and sell at a price that exceeds your total investment.

  • Hold and resell:

In this flipping approach, instead of buying a property and fixing it up, you buy the property in a rising real estate market, hold it for some time and then sell it at a profit.

What type of real estate is best for beginners?

Beginners as real estate investors mostly prefer residential real estate properties over commercial properties because commercial properties are more complex to manage and often require large sums to invest in. Investing in commercial real estate properties is possible through a real estate investment trust that develops and manages commercial properties. 

Investment in single-family homes is one of the best investment strategies for beginners. Investing in single-family homes is the easiest way for beginners to enter the real estate market. The high demand for single-family rentals makes it a reliable income property in the real estate market. 

What is the minimum amount to invest in real estate?

Real estate is an asset that gives a solid option to investors to make a minimum down payment, finance the remaining purchase price, and own an asset that can generate regular cash flow and appreciates over the long term. Now, you can invest just a few hundred dollars in real estate. 

Tirios is a real estate investing platform that allows investors to own a fractional share in a rental home for as little as $100. With Tirios, you can invest in different markets without geographical constraints that can offer great investment returns.

How do I start investing in an estate?

There are many different ways to start real estate investing, and each strategy has potential benefits, drawbacks, and time commitments. Therefore, proper planning and research are essential before investing.

Following are the steps to start investing in an estate:   

Step 1: Identify Your Financial Stage

Step 2: Select the best Real Estate Investing Strategy.

Step 3: Select a Target Market

Step 4: Decide Your Investment Property Criteria

Step 5: Build a real estate network.

Step 6: Line Up Financing

Step 7: Raise Cash For Your Down Payment & Reserves

Step 8: Create a Plan to Find deals

Step 9: Schedule the time and prioritize your following necessary action.

How do I start investing in real estate with no money?

Starting a real estate investing is an attractive way for beginners and financially strapped investors to enter the real estate door. There are many investment deals available in the real estate market every year. 

Let us look at the different ways how to invest in real estate with no or little money:

1. Seller Financing

The first way to invest in real estate with no money is through seller financing, as in this method, the buyers are not bound to take loans from banks. Buyers can opt for real estate financing from the sellers. 

Through the seller financing method, the buyers will provide the sellers with the cash to purchase the property over time, and then the buyer can repay the sellers, for the agreed terms, for instance, in monthly installments.

2. Real Estate Investing through the master leasing option

Master leasing is an option to invest in real estate with no money, where you can rent a property and then sublease the extra units to other tenants. The property owner charges the buyer a monthly or yearly premium in higher rental payments. 

3. Hard Money Lenders

You can also opt for hard money lending instead of getting a bank loan from certain groups or private individuals. Loans from hard money lenders have fewer qualification requirements. 

The interest charged on hard money loans is higher since lenders take more significant risks and the terms are for 12 months or less. Hard money loans require the borrower to cover closing costs, application fees, appraisal fees, and other costs associated with purchasing a property. 

4. Special U.S. Govt. Schemes

The loans are for rural and suburban homebuyers. These loans are provided to those with a low or moderate income who are not wealthy or need help getting a traditional mortgage. 

Below is a list of loans provided by the U.S. government:

  • FHA Loan
  • USDA Loan
  • VA Loan
  • Good Neighbor Next Door Program
  • Fannie Mae Or Freddie Mac
  • Energy-Efficient Mortgage (EEM)
  • FHA Section 203(k)
  • Native American Direct Loan
  • Local Grants & Programs

5. House Hacking 

House Hacking involves moving into a small multi-unit property and renting out the extra units for income. You can also rent out extra bedrooms to roommates, rent out a basement apartment or guest house, or even rent extra space. You can start House Hacking with little money as you can obtain owner-occupant financing to buy the property. 

Here are a few government loan programs with small down payments that can be used for house hacking:

How to become a real estate investor?

So, now you must be wondering how to become a real estate investor. People today find that becoming real estate investors can be challenging due to their lack of knowledge of the real estate industry. At present, with readily accessible real estate investment tools, you can become a real estate investor in no time. 

However, real estate investing involves a lot of planning and research to have a profitable investment strategy that will provide you with long-term financial stability.

Below are the steps that you can follow to become a real estate investor: 


Step 1: Learn about real estate. 

As a new investor, learn the real estate basics for beginners to understand the best way to grow your investment portfolio. Find the right investment opportunities, and don't invest your time and capital on property that will offer less return on investments.

Step 2: Make an investment plan.

Have a general idea of how much time you have, how much capital you can invest, and what the profits can be. You can also consult with a financial advisor to see where your money would be best suited for your type of investment.

Step 3: Build a network of real estate

Networking with other experienced investors can educate you on the best methods for your Real Estate investing strategy. A robust real estate network offers valuable resources and generates better investment opportunities for both beginners and seasoned real estate investors. Successful investors realize that the extra costs are worth accepting other people's knowledge.

Step 4: Choose the type of property.

There are many opportunities to invest your money in real estate. Therefore, choose the type of property that will help you diversify your investment and provide great returns. 

Step 5: Manage Your Property Like a Pro

After following the above steps, a real estate investor must purchase and manage a rental property. For instance, rental property management includes a variety of activities. Therefore, put your time and energy into efficiently managing the property rather than sitting empty and accumulating dust instead of revenue. 


The best real estate investing will be the one that will best serve you, the investor. Before investing, consider how much time you have and how much capital you are willing to invest. An investment in real estate offers a steady cash flow, a fantastic way to earn passive income, and can be the best long-term investment for investors. 

Tirios is a revolutionary real estate platform that uses advanced technology to help investors overcome financial barriers and other obstacles to investing in real estate. Real estate is an evolving industry; Join the Tirios family and start your investment journey today.


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